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Poon's at Spa Terminus

Despite the overwhelming love for our first pop-up in Clerkenwell, in 2018, I have been a bit half-arsed about bringing Poon’s back. It’s been stop and start and lots of hesitation. It’s rather elementary psychology – if it didn’t work, if I messed it up, then I’d have an excuse, Brexit and Covid aside, I could say that I didn’t really try very hard, that I hadn't really put all my efforts and energy into it.

Six years on, numerous pop-ups, collaborations and guest chef events, a full year's residency for Wontoneria and the launch of four award-winning sauces later, I think it might be time to commit. They say a rolling stone gathers no moss but commitment is a serious business, for better, for worse, till death do us part and I haven't been a terribly serious person for most of my life. 

Maybe it's a half-life crisis, maybe it's a duty I feel I owe, or maybe it's just because noone will employ me, I have decided to create my own work. At the same time as trying to open a restaurant, I have just taken on an empty railway arch in Spa Terminus, to turn it into Poon's HQ, with an office and warehouse and production kitchen. No more half-arse, I'm using my full arse, put a ring on it and everything.

All those motivational, inspiration memes tell you to do one thing every day that scares you. Did Eleanor Roosevelt really say that? Well, I'm literally shitting bricks, enough bricks to build an arch with, enough to scare me every day for the next 8,973 days. Who knows if it will work. If I build it, will you come? I have to believe some one will. At least now I can say I really, wholeheartedly and whole arsedly, tried.

We hope to be operational at Spa Terminus at the beginning of October.  More news soon. Wish us luck.

With edible love and gratitude for your support, as ever,


Spa Terminus

Poon’s London
Arch 18 Discovery Estate
Spa Terminus
St James’s Road
London SE16 4RA

We hope to be operational at Spa Terminus by the end of July, opening up for retail on Fridays and Saturdays.



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